Hur man loggar in på sin GoTo HUB portal
Artiklar om: Tur- & Aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking
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Uppdaterad: 2024-11-22PopulärHur man lägger in information i bekräftelsemejl till gästen
Här lär du dig hur du kan lägga till information i bekräftelsemejlet som skickas till gästen som bokat en tur eller aktivitet i GoTo HUB.
Logga in på ditt konto.
Hur du loggar in på din GoTo HUB-portal
Välj "Tours" i sidomenyn.
Klicka på "Options" och "Tour Settings".
(https://stoPopulärHur man ändrar tillgänglighet/antalet platser på upplagda platser
Vårt användarvänliga system på GoTo Hub gör det enkelt att uppdatera en befintlig biljett. Vi förstår att tilldelning/tillgänglighet (dvs. antalet bokningsbara platser för en aktivitet) för vissa aktiviteter kan förändras, antingen på grund av speciella omständigheter eller säsong. Därför har vårt system en lättanvänd kalender som gör att du kan göra sådana ändringar snabbt och smidigt! Följ stegen nedan för att ändra tilldelningen för en befintlig biljett.
Logga in på ditt konto: https://gFå läsareHur man skapar en aktivitet/tur/event
Logga in på ditt konto:
Klicka på Produkter + Aktiviteter i vänstermenyn.
Klicka på Skapa för att börja skapa en ny tur.
Här fyller du i de viktigaste detaljerna om turen.
4.1 Välj om det är en tur eller ett evenemang. Ett evenemang är vanliFå läsareHow to add new dates to an existing ticket
If you are looking for how to add new dates to an existing ticket of your tour, follow the below steps.
Log in to your account:
Click on 'Products' -'Activities' in the left side pane.
Here you will see a list of tours. Click 'Options' + 'Options & Tickets' on the tour/activity in which you want to addFå läsareHow to close sales for a specific date?
Our system at GoTo Hub has an easy-to-use Calendar where you can do multiple things. This article will show you how you can use the Calendar to close sales for a particular date.
Log in to your account:
Click on 'Calendar' in the left side pane.
Here you will see the calendar view of your tours alongFå läsareHur man ändrar datumperiod på redan befintliga biljettalternativ
Här är texten uppdaterad med "Produkter + Aktiviteter" och andra uttryck i ""-form behållna på engelska:
På GoTo Hub förstår vi att tillgängligheten för vissa produkter kan förändras, antingen på grund av säsong eller särskilda omständigheter. Oroa dig inte, att ändra datum är enkelt tack vare vårt smidiga system. Följ stegen nedan för att uppdatera en befintlig biljett med nya datum.
Logga in på ditt konto:
Klicka pFå läsareHow to cancel a booking
How to Cancel a Booking
To cancel a booking, please read and follow these steps below.
IMPORTANT: Even if you have a connected system to GoTo HUB, you still need to cancel the booking in GoTo HUB not only your main activity booking system
Log in to your account:
Click on Reservations on the left side, under Reservation
(å läsareHow to login to your GoTo HUB portal
Fill in your credentials in the 2 boxes and press enter.Få läsareHow to View Bookings for Tours/Activities
How to view Tour/Activity Bookings
To view bookings for tours, please follow these steps below.
Log in to your account:
Click on Reservations on the left side, under Reservations
To view bookings of tours/activities, go to the Activities tab here.
(å läsareHow to add GoTo HUB as an agent in Bilberry
This article will show you how you add GoTo HUB as an agent in Bilberry.
Log in to you Bilberry account. Click on 'Customers'.
Click on ‘Overview’.
Click on ‘Add new customer’.
(å läsareHow to manage the mobile calendar
We have developed a mobile version so that you as a supplier can easily operate the system with your mobile phone. This enables, among other things, to close departures and change availability when you are on the go. In this article, we will show you how to manage the mobile calendar.
Log in to your account:
Click on the menu on the left side
(å läsareHow to Change the Description, Images and Taxation of an Existing Activity
This article will show you how to edit the description details, how to add/delete images, and how to edit the taxation of an existing activity/tour/event
To change the description, images, or tax settings of an existing product, follow the below steps:
Log in to your account. In the left pane, click 'Products' + 'Activities'
Click 'OptiFå läsareHow to set allotment for groups in a tour/activity
This article will show you how set allotment for groups in a tour/activity
Follow the below steps to create ticket options for groups.
Log in to your account:
Click 'Products' and 'Activities' in the left pane.
Click 'Options' and 'Option and Tickets' next to the tour in which you wish to create gFå läsareHow to Change the Price of an Existing Activity
This article will show you how to change the pricing of an existing Activity/Event/Tour
We understand that some activities' pricing may change according to the season or due to other reasons. To change the pricing of an existing product, follow the below steps:
Log in to your account. In the left pane, click 'Products' + 'Activities'
Click 'Options' and 'Option & Tickets'Få läsareTours/Activities - Add information to the confirmation email
How to add information to the confirmation email
Here you will learn how you can add information to the confirmation email that is sent to the guest that has booked a Tour/Activity in GoTo HUB.
Log in to your account.
Click on Products + Activities.
Click on "OpFå läsareTours/Activities - How to create a new tour
Log in to your account:
Click on Products + Activities on the left side.
Click 'Create' to start creating a new tour
Here you will fill in the vital details about the tour.
4.1 Choose ifFå läsareHow to Connect BookSpot to GoTo HUB
How to Connect BookSpot to GoTo HUB
To integrate BookSpot with GoTo HUB, follow these steps to ensure your products and pricing are correctly aligned and available for booking on the Hub.
Step 1: Align Price Categories with Customer Types in GoTo HUB
Start by matching your price categories in BookSpot with the corresponding customer types in GoTo HUB. This ensures that the pricing structure is consistent across both platforms. For instance, if you have distinct pricing for adults aFå läsareHow to create tickets on activities/events/tours
Log in to your account:
Click on Products + Activities on the left side.
The tour you wish to create available tickets, click on Options + Option & Tickets.
Click Create to start creatingFå läsareHow to set correct VAT
This article will show you how to set correct VAT to your Activity/Event/Tour
It is important that the correct VAT rates are filled in for your activities/tours/events. Check that you have the correct settings by logging into the system and going to your activity. It is the responsibility of each supplier that correct VAT is logged to your activity. If you are unsure, please consult your accountant or contact the tax authority.
Log in to your account. Click on Products + ActivFå läsareHur man ändrar datum på en befintlig aktivitet
Alright, here’s the translation!
How to Cancel a Booking
För att avboka en bokning, vänligen läs och följ stegen nedan.
VIKTIGT: Även om du har ett anslutet system till GoTo HUB, måste du fortfarande avboka bokningen i GoTo HUB och inte bara i ditt huvudsakliga bokningssystem för aktiviteter.
Logga in på ditt konto:
Klicka på Reservations på vänster sida, under Reservation.
(https://storage.crFå läsare