Artiklar om: Tur- och aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking

Tours/Activities - Add information to the confirmation email

How to add information to the confirmation email

Here you will learn how you can add information to the confirmation email that is sent to the guest that has booked a Tour/Activity in GoTo HUB.

Log in to your account.

How to login to your GoTo HUB portal

Click on Products + Activities.

Click on "Options" and "Tour Settings".

Choose "Special Instruction Mail" and write the information that you wish to add to the confirmation email in the white box, marked in the print screen below.
If you wish to autotranslate the text you can start by writing it in English and just hit "Translate" to the right when you are done with the text. You can also translate on your own or by using a translation program. Don't forget to save before you leave the page. After hitting the "Save" button you are all set.

Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024

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