Artiklar om: Tur- och aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking

How to View Bookings for Tours/Activities

How to view Tour/Activity Bookings

To view bookings for tours, please follow these steps below.

Log in to your account:

Click on Reservations on the left side, under Reservations

To view bookings of tours/activities, go to the Activities tab here.

Scroll to the right on the list of bookings, and click Options + View to get a complete view of a booking.

Use these filters or search bar to look for a specific product's booking.

Use this search bar to find a booking using its booking number

You can sort the bookings as per the columns, as demonstrated below -

To get a view of the bookings for the day, click 'Day View'. If you've searched for bookings of a particular tour, or bookings of a certain date range, click Export to download a report of the same.

Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024

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