Artiklar om: Tur- och aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking

How to set correct VAT

This article will show you how to set correct VAT to your Activity/Event/Tour


It is important that the correct VAT rates are filled in for your activities/tours/events. Check that you have the correct settings by logging into the system and going to your activity. It is the responsibility of each supplier that correct VAT is logged to your activity. If you are unsure, please consult your accountant or contact the tax authority.

Log in to your account. Click on Products + Activities

Click on Options + Edit

Go to Taxation

The tax weight need to end up in 100. So you can choose to weight the tax just as you wish. For example 100 in one of the boxes, 50 + 25 + 25 in three different boxes, 50 + 50 in two different boxes and so on.

Don't forget to click Save before you leave the page.

Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024

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