Artiklar om: Tur- och aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking

How to set allotment for groups in a tour/activity

This article will show you how set allotment for groups in a tour/activity

Follow the below steps to create ticket options for groups.

Log in to your account:

Click 'Products' and 'Activities' in the left pane.

Click 'Options' and 'Option and Tickets' next to the tour in which you wish to create group allotment.

Click 'Create'

A pop-up window opens where you need to fill in the following details:
Name: Give the ticket a name. For eg. Group
The name needs to be translated to the various languages displayed here. Click 'Translate' for this.
Notes: Here you can specify any extra info for groups. This is optional.
Ticket Type: From this drop-down, choose Group.
Price type: Here you have two options - Per Person ( use this if you want the price per person to be displayed) and Per Group (use this if you want the price per group to be displayed).
Price: Enter the price
Minimum Seats: Select the minimum number of participants per group
Maximum Seats: Select the maximum number of participants per group
If you want to enable multiple group bookings, tick the box here.
Click 'Save'

Here is a short demonstration of how to create a group ticket.

Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024

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