Artiklar om: Tur- och aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking

How to manage the mobile calendar

We have developed a mobile version so that you as a supplier can easily operate the system with your mobile phone. This enables, among other things, to close departures and change availability when you are on the go. In this article, we will show you how to manage the mobile calendar.

Log in to your account:

Click on the menu on the left side

Click on Calendar

Here you see all your tours and what is booked today. Choose the date you wish to manage down to the right and click 'View Options' on the tour that you wish to manage

You have three different options in this view: cancel option, update allotment or see the guest list for this specifik tour and date

5.1. Make the cancel / bulk cancellation by clicking on 'Cancel Option'. In the next page you hit the cancel button to cancel. Make sure the check box is marked.

5.2 Update your allotment. You can both reduce the number of bookable seats but also increase if you want to be able to sell more.
Click 'Update' and in the next step you simply adjust by clicking the + or - symbol.

5.3. Look at the Guest List on your activity by clicking on 'Guest List'. In the next page you hit the 'Info' button to be able to see the guest details. From this view, you can also cancel the booking.

Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024

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