Artiklar om: Tur- och aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking

How to create tickets on activities/events/tours

Log in to your account:

Click on Products + Activities on the left side.

The tour you wish to create available tickets, click on Options + Option & Tickets.

Click Create to start creating a new Tour ticket.
Please note that you can clone an existing ticket period, this will save you time. Click on Option -> Clone. Now you see a new ticket. Click on Option -> Edit and change all details according to your new ticket period. Don't forget to save before you close.

Start with what kind of ticket you want to create (for example adult, child). You can translate to the various languages visible here by using the 'Translate' button. Next, fill in the price of the ticket. Under Notes, write for what age the ticket should be valid for. Don't forget to save when all fields are filled in.

When the first Ticket is created, it's possible to clone it (if you for example are doing another Adult-ticket for another price and don't wish to fill in all fields again.

Next, go to the 'Options' tab and create the options for the ticket by clicking 'Create'.
Please note that you can clone an existing ticket period, this will save you time. Click on Option -> Clone. Now you see a new period. Click on Option -> Edit and change dates, days etc according to your new ticket period. Don't forget to save before you close.

These are the details to be filled in this pop-up window. A demonstration of how this is done is attached below.
8.1 Write the name in English on your ticket. You can translate to the various languages by clicking the 'Translate' button or fill them on your own.
8.2 If you want to clarify something about the ticket you can write a short note. This is optional.
8.3 Select Date for the tickets
8.4 Bulk Allotment (how many tickets should be available?)
8.5 Week Days (on what days is the activity available?). If it's available for all days you can easily hit [all]. Or you press the arrow so that all days become visible so that you can easily choose
8.6 Duration (how many hours are the activity?)
8.7 Cut Off Time (how close to the start time can the activity be booked? We start counting from 00:00 which means, if you fill in 12:00 hours, the activity can be booked until 12:00 the day before)
8.8 Start Time (which time does you tour/entrance/activity start?)
Don't forget to click save before you leave the page.

This step is also possible to clone after you have saved it. This will save you a lot of time if you are doing tickets for several different periods. If you want to do that, click Option + Clone.

Here is a short demonstration of creating a ticket option -

Last step is to do the mapping. Here you will choose on what time the ticket should be available. Don't forget to save when you are done.

When you are done we recommend that you take a look in the front end. Go back to the tour and click on View Front-End. Check availability and make sure the tickets are available as they should.

Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024

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