Artiklar om: Tur- och aktivitetsleverantör / GoTo Booking

How to cancel a booking

How to Cancel a Booking

To cancel a booking, please read and follow these steps below.
IMPORTANT: Even if you have a connected system to GoTo HUB, you still need to cancel the booking in GoTo HUB not only your main activity booking system

Log in to your account:

Click on Reservations on the left side, under Reservation

You can view bookings for Tours, Accommodations, and Packages, by choosing the option here.

Scroll to the right on the list of bookings, and click Options.

Click 'View' to get a complete view of a booking

On the Reservation Details page, click on Cancel booking at the top right side

Follow the below instructions to complete the cancellation
Select from the drop-down whether the cancellation is by the client or the supplier
Mention the reason of the cancellation
Mention some notes (if needed)
Fill in the refund amount
Click Cancel Booking

Uppdaterad den: 25/11/2024

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