Artiklar om: Partner Site

How do I create/edit the theme of my Partner Site?

To create a theme for your partner site, you need to follow the below steps:

Log in to your account:

Click on Site + Theme on the left pane.

Go to the 'General Theme' tab.

Here you will find the colour settings for the following sections -

Keep in mind to always click 'Save' after making any change to the settings in this tab

Site Font

By default, the font of your site is set as 'Roboto'. If you wish to change this, choose a font from the dropdown here. Take a look at the below demonstration to see how a change of font impact your site.

Color Themes

In the different color themes you will find and be able to edit the codes

Button Theme
Button Radius: Adjusts the roundness of the button corners.
Button Background Color / Map Marker Color: Sets the background color for buttons and map markers.
Button Text Color: Defines the color of the text within the buttons.

Icon Theme
Icon Foreground Color: Sets the color for the icon's main symbol or content.
Icon Background Color: Defines the background color behind the icon.

Text Theme
Text Color: Sets the color for the main text throughout the partner page.

Room Type Theme
Room Type Background Color: Defines the background color for room type sections.

General Theme
Disable Text Color: Used for disabled or inactive text.
Outline Color: Sets the outline or border color for various elements.
Free Cancellation Text Color: Applies to text indicating free cancellation, making it easy to spot.
Box Color: Background color for content boxes or cards.

Badge Theme
Badge Background Color: Sets the background color for badges, which are small labels.
Badge Text Color: Defines the color of text within the badge.

Dialog Theme
Title Background Color: Sets the background color for dialog titles.
Title Text Color: Color for the main title text in dialog boxes.
Subtitle Text Color: Color for subtitles within dialog boxes.

Checkout Theme
Button Background Color: Sets the color for checkout buttons.
Button Text Color: Defines the text color within the checkout button.

A summary of the whole colorpanel

Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024

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