Accommodation - How to Set Allotment and Price
How to Set Allotment for Accommodations
Log in to your account:
Click Products + Accommodations in the left pane, to access your list of hotels.
In the Approved tab, click Manage + Set Allotment next to the hotel in which you wish to set allotment.
This page displays three steps:
Step 1 - Select Date Range and Room Type
Select the date you want to start adding Capacity/Availability to by clicking "Start Date"
Select the end date of the period you want to add Capacity/Availability to by clicking "End Date"
Click "Room Type" to select the room type/accomodation you want to add Capacity/Availability to.
Click on "Set Options"
Step 2 - Set the Rate Plan Settings
Change Price per room and night.
Capacity/Availability per room and night.
Cut off Time = you add how many hours you want to close sale before arrival. (The cut goes at midnight, so if you enter 1 hour, guests will be able to book till 23.00 before the check-in date. 0 = can book the same day.)
Click "Update Setting" to save.
Step 3 - Verify the rate plan settings
The Price, Capacity / Availability and Cut off Time will now be updated.
If satisfied, click "Save Setting" and the settings will immediately be updated.
Uppdaterad den: 22/11/2024
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